Engage and Empower: Nurturing Your Workforce in Long-Term Care

Stay Ahead of Trends

Estimates of the current turnover rate in long-term care range from 45% to 66% — staggering figures when considering the crucial services millions of patients require at facilities across the country.

Turnover leaves providers struggling with a range of problems, including the expense of replacing and training new employees, a lack of adequate staff to care for patients, and the risk of falling short of compliance regulations.

These and other associated issues can stretch facilities to the breaking point — but fortunately, there are a range of tactics you can utilize to combat turnover. With higher employee retention, your operation can function smoothly and successfully, offering patients the care they need while saving time and money.

Join us to learn how engaging and empowering your employees can help retain a strong, committed workforce. You’ll develop actionable strategies for increasing employee engagement and maintaining optimal staff-patient ratios.

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